Bedroom is your private haven, where you can be yourself and relax after a tiring day. It is one room of the house where there is no pretension and you are totally at ease. So when planning the bedroom colors we want warmth, style, mood and comfort. But how to team all these up with the correct bedroom wall colors.
Have your child tell you what color they are looking for the walls in their bedroom. Show them some of the shades of that color and have them pick a shade for the wall and another shade for the trim. If your child doesn't have a favorite color, you can help them find a color that works for them by asking them what their favorite animal is or what their favorite toy is. Match the color of the animal or toy to one of the color samples from the palette.
Each room in your home will take on its own personality. You will want the color of the walls to match the personality of the room. When selecting your bedroom colors, you may first want to consider the mood you want the decor to produce.
The effect of color on the mind is quite an interesting subject and the psychology of color has been widely researched and the results show that color has a profound effect on our thoughts, perceptions and interactions.
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